
Can there ever be 12 million good reasons for an expert to be up close and intimate with the mechanics of his/her exhibit spreadsheets?

While at trial the plaintiff’s attorney during cross examination focused upon the spreadsheet used by the defense’s economic expert to allegedly prove that there were zero economic damages. The expert had relied heavily upon research assistants to construct the spreadsheet, but under the expert’s supervision. Unfortunately, the expert had not carefully examined the calculations and was not aware of several calculation errors.

Perfect Found in Imperfect Economic Testimony – The Perfect Opportunity to Index Another Lesson Learned

There are times in which the economic expert is either unprepared or led into difficult positions where the unforeseen occurs. Likewise, there are times in which the cross examination opens the door for further damaging economic testimony. Over the years, we have learned some very valuable lessons, albeit at the expense of the opposition.


Which do you prefer, an inventor or an economist?

Posted By rrc-admin onNovember 1, 2016 at 10:21 am
Which do you prefer, an inventor or an economist?

The plaintiff’s expert was considered to be a negotiations expert. He was formally trained in the law, but had no economic training. In a patent infringement suit, he “invented” a bargaining scenario which put the opposing side in an unrealistic and compromised position. His “invented” situation created extravagant damage amounts which were unable to be substantiated with any economic principles. After a finding of infringement, the jury awarded these damages to the plaintiff.


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